Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Phase One; Day Seven

I wanted to do the Stretch X today but didn't. I had to much to do and the break was nice lol.
I have however lost 4 pounds. I know I said I was 205 at the start lol but I was 209. My daughter changed the calibration on my scale lol. I also have a pair of pants that were tight that I can now pull about three inches away!
Heres to hoping for more!!!
Tomorrow it starts over

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Phase One; Day Six

Today is Kenpo X which is like martial arts/ kick boxing. I struggled to figure out the moves but once I did I really enjoyed this one! I look forward to this one again, it was fun. HARD but fun. NO PAIN TO GAIN RIGHT! I am not as flexible as they are but I did my best and I know over time I will be able to do it without a problem and I look forward to that. So who can jump rope without a rope?? I mean really! I still don't think I did that shit right lol. The jump and jacks kicked my butt, they wanted you to do them and them do them leaping into the air.... the leap didn't happen lol. We will see how it goes nest week!

Tomorrow is the last day of the week.... but you knew that :) So tomorrow is a Rest day or you do Stretch X and I plan on doing that. I want to use the exercise tomorrow because I didn't do this weeks as well as they did.

Well 'til tomorrow


Phase One; Day Five

Ok so here I am on day five doing Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X. This one kicked many butt. I haven't done much leg exercises so it gets to me faster. I worked my way through this one but once I reached the part where we put our back against the wall and squat and hold it it was KILLING me lol. So naturally I didn't hold it as long. Once again I don't have my pull up bar yet so I did push ups. Once we made it to this kick thing where you lunge the kick I realized how bad my balance was lol but I made it through! I got killed on this one where you stay in a lunge and rock on your toes... yeah that was a no so I kinda bounced a bit lol. I really felt the burn once we did the calf raises where you stand and raise to your toes and back down... yeah that hurt lol.

I seem to be getting better at Ab Ripper X! I can do more of what I could already do and I can do stuff I couldn't before. Looking good!!!

So I made it through today and tomorrow is Kenpo X and I assure you that will bring the hurt lol. Remember my theory on the single exercises lol.

Until then!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Phase One; Day Four

August 15 2009

Todays workout was an hour and a half of Yoga X. I have never done yoga before but I know I don't want to do it again lol. I only made it through 45 minutes before I got a headache from being upside down lol. It was very relaxing when I wasn't dying lol.
I had to alter two or three moves because my body couldn't do it, yet! I am seeing a pattern with the days there are only one workout scheduled lol. They seem to be the mother of all workouts lol.
However I am glad to say I am showing a four pound drop on the scale already! I know you probably think I am crazy, I mean it's only been four days but hey..... well I may be crazy lol but its true :)
Tomorrows workout is Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X.
Until then,

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Phase One; Day Three!

August 14 2009
So I started todays workout REALLY late but it is still done and that's all that matters, right! lol
Todays workout was an hour of Shoulder and Arms followed by twenty minutes of Ab Ripper X, once again lol. Seeing a pattern here? I am!
So shoulder and arms is a lot of curls and arm flexing. I of course have not got my weights yet so I did two to three times the reps to make up for the lack of resistance, it worked lol I am sore. I thought I would be more sore in the arms then I am but it's tolerable. Not painless but tolerable lol.
I followed up the shoulder and arms with the ab ripper x... but you knew that. :) I seem to be getting a little better at this. Things I couldn't do Wednesday I could do today, I could also do more of what I could already do before. This surprised me because I didn't think I would see any improvement yet.
My abs, shoulders.... well really my whole body is aware of itself. I am proud of myself for keeping this up. I know it's only been three days but IT'S HARD! lol.
Well that's it for this one!
Come back tomorrow for more,

Friday, August 14, 2009

Phase One; Day Two

August 13 2009
Woke up today and defiantly feeling sore. I ate some fruit for breakfast, healthy I know :) . I haven't seen any of the workouts before I am trying them so imagine my surprise when I put in my workout for the day Plyometrics. I should have know because yesterdays workout called for two programs and todays only for one!
So I start Plyometrics and its a "jump" workout. I got scared! It is a lot of jump squats and twisting and stuff like that. It's an hour long program and I am sad to say that my body gave up after twenty minutes. I hit the pause button quite a bit but I was determined to make it through. After falling on my ass trying to kick my leg over a chair and back again my my husband laughed at me for about 10 minutes lol. He then told me I was doing it wrong and after a few minutes of arguing over the fact that I thought I was doing it right but turns out my brain was tricking me lol. Again, he laughed at me lol. So I went about my exercise dying along the way. Yesterdays wasn't that big of a deal because I was working my arms so when they got tired I could still stand and attempt the exercise. TODAY however lol when your legs decide they can't support you anymore..... they don't lol. So at about the twenty minute mark I sit down to take a break because my whole body hurts, after about a ten minute rest and still no will to get back up I decided to call it a night and hope that over time I will be able to make the whole workout.
My husband laughed at me for the rest of the night while he watched me stumble around the house and almost fall over baby gates lol. Then again when I konked out early but hey! it's tiring lol.
Tomorrows workout is Shoulders and Arms followed by Ab Ripper X once again.
Til then,

Phase One; Day One

August 12 2009
I did my first P90X workout, Chest and Back; Ab Ripper X. It took me a little longer to complete it then it took them but I did it.
The chest and back did a range of push ups and pull ups. I have not gotten the pull up bar yet so I just did an hour of push ups lol. I have never been able to do a "real" push up so I did the "girly" push ups on my knees. I set a goal of 10 in the beginning but I quickly learned I could do 20 which made me very happy. By the end of the chest and back program I was tired and a little sore but I felt pretty good.
I took a few minute break before I started the Ab Ripper X and trust me the X defiantly stands for Xtream! I spent the next 20 minutes doing Xtream crunch type workouts. I hit the pause button a bit but again I made it through and that is all that matters.
Tomorrow will be Plyometrics so until then,